Public Lecture Videos (2015-2019)

Achille Mbembe: Borders in the Age of Networks

Étienne Balibar: Communism: Return to the New Commons?

Nancy Fraser: Critique of Capitalism

David Harvey: Visualizing Capital

Jean & John Comaroff: Interrogating the Global Dis/Order

K. Anthony Appiah: Honor, Citizenship, and the Law

Richard J. Bernstein: The Relevance of Hannah Arendt

Michael Taussig: The Cry of the Donkey

Patricia Williams: Anatomy of Short Lives
Jay Bernstein: Socialism as Constellation: Adorno's Critique of Hegel
Gayatri Spivak: Global Marx?

Simon Critchley: Suicide
Opening/Closing Reception Photos (2015-2019)
Group Photos (2015-2019)
Seminar Photos (2015-2019)
Open Forum Photos (2015-2019)